Sunday, June 23, 2013

Don't forget to get ready for the 4th of July

Our Patriotic Favor Pack contains four fun favors to celebrate the 4th of July holiday ... [More]
Price: 2.99

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Groovy Kid Bedding Set

The Groovy Kids Bedding Set by Jojo Designs, along with the Groovy bedding accessories,... [More]
Price: 99.99

Snakes and Lizards

Snakes through the forest.

Recommended number of Participants:
min 5 - max Unlimited

Required material:
A open space
A penny or other method of marking the person who is "IT" (bandana, specific baseball cap etc.)
Cones to define an area.


Snakes slither through the forest and are hard to catch, however even when they are caught they are still very dangerous. In this game the Game Warden "IT" attempts to capture all of the slithering snakes. When captured the snakes are used to help capture the other snakes.
Objective: The person that is the Game Warden "IT" must capture all of the snakes to win the game.


  • People must stay in the defined area for the game.
  • The person that is it must wear a something that denotes his/her status as the Game Warden "IT"
  • If a person is tagged they must stand where they were caught with arms extended. There role after being caught is to create an obstacle for the remaining snakes. They are allowed to reach out and tag any snakes passing by.

Dome Shaped Cones with Stand - Set of 6 Dome Shaped Cones with Stand - Set of 6 Great for drills where athletic needs to get lo... [More]

Price: 14.97

Basic Instructions and things of note: 

    The game starts with all of the snakes outside of the cone line. The Game Warden "IT" must call out, "Snakes, Snakes come slither through my forest" at which point all of the snakes must make a break for the opposing line on the other side of the open space. If a snake is caught they must stay where they have been tagged and can reach out and tag snakes as they come back over. The game continues with the snakes running back and forth until there is only one snake remaining. The remaining snake is the winner. They may become the new Game Warden or choose someone else to fulfill that role.

    1. Young children have a tough time standing still if caught, if you have them sit down it prevents them from moving from their location.
    2. The size of the play area should be adjusted to be appropriate for the age playing the game.

    Any and every game, simple or complex is only as fun as you make it. If you are excited about the game, get involved and play, the children will model your enthusiasm.

    This game idea if for informational purposes only and should be played with all safety considerations possible. A game is not fun if someone gets hurt.

    Don't forget to visit where fun is found!

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    Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    Find your babies inner Super Hero!

    Kids costumes that are just super!! This Superman Bib Newborn costume will turn that ki... [More]
    Price: 16.95

    Toilet Tag

    Toilet Tag

    Recommended number of Participants:
    min 5 - max Unlimited

    Required material:
    A open space
    A penny or other method of marking the person who is "IT" (bandana, specific baseball cap etc.)
    Cones to define an area.


    This game is a quick and simple version of tag. There is a back-up clogging all of the toilets that it comes into contact with. The plumbers must keep the toilets flushed to remove the clog.


    The person that is the clog "IT" must clog all of the toilets to win the game.

    • People must stay in the defined area for the game.
    • The person that is it must wear a something that denotes his/her status as the clog "IT"
    • If a person is tagged they must take a knee and extend an arm. The point is to create a seat with a handle to flush.
    • Anyone that is not tagged may sit on the toilet and flush it (the toilet should make the flushing sound), removing the clog and allowing the person to get up and start running again.
    • If a person is seated on a toilet they can't get tagged and the clog "IT" can't hoover over them.
    • If everyone is tagged, the clog gets to choose the clog for the next game.

    Basic Instructions and things of note: 
    1. Make the size of the play area bigger or smaller depending on the age of the child.
    2. If the game is going too long or you have a large number of kids, make a few kids clogs.
    Any and every game, simple or complex is only as fun as you make it. If you are excited about the game, get involved and play, the children will model your enthusiasm.

    This game idea if for informational purposes only and should be played with all safety considerations possible. A game is not fun if someone gets hurt.

    Don't forget to visit where fun is found!

    Volleyball Equipment

      Monday, June 3, 2013

      Run for twenty

      Run for Twenty
      Run for Twelve
      Storm the Castle

      Full scale Capture

      Recommended number of Participants:
      min 10 - max Unlimited

      Required material:
      4 large hula-hoops or 2 dozen flat cones
      20 objects that are large enough to be clearly visible in grass (balls work well)
      A way to clearly mark the center of the playing field
      Pennies or some other way to tell the teams apart.

      During this game you are attempting to sneak or run over and capture all of the opponents objects. If you cross the center line you have entered into enemy territory and can be captured.

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      To capture all 20 objects and have possession of them all at the same time.

      • Each side starts with 10 objects placed in 3 hula hoops. All objects must be visible.
      • No person can be within 15 feet of the hula hoops unless they are making an attempt at an object or have chased an individual making attempt into that space.
      • One hula hoop is left empty for the jail.
      • If a person crosses the and gets tagged they must go to their opponents jail.
      • A person may go for a single ball at a time or attempt to save someone from jail. They may not gather more then one object or person at a time.
      • A person in jail must have at least one foot inside of the hula hoop at all times until saved.
      • The saving and saved persons may walk back free from being tagged if they are holding hands or linking arms.
      • The saving person and the saved person must return to their side prior to retrieving another object or person.
      • Captured objects must be placed inside of the hula hoops and are allowed to be stolen back by the opposing side.
      • The adult or organizer may call jail break and allow the persons inside of the jail to run free to extend the length of the game. The freed individuals must return to their side before stealing an object.
      • If a tag is argued the tagger is given the benefit of the decision. 
      • The objects and team markings must be visible at all times. 
      • If you are caught cheating you go directly to jail. If an offense happens again you must sit out of the game.
      • If an object is stolen and an individual is tagged before making it to their side, it is the taggers responsibility to return the object to his/her hula hoop.
      Basic Instructions and things of note:

      1. This game works well in a semi-open area that contains trees or other objects to use as hiding places or shields from being tagged.
      2. Children tend to hang out on top of the hula hoop to defend it, so it is recommended that you place an outer ring of hula hoops to give them a visual clue on how close they can get to the hula hoop.
      3. If the game goes too long, adjust on the fly. Tell the children that they must get 15 objects to win.
      4. This game is great during the day and evening more entertaining at dusk or at night.
      5. If there is a large amount of argument about being tagged, flag football flags work well or cut-up strips of fabric tucked into shorts help take the fights out of the equation. If the tagger gets a flag or strip they must go to jail.
      1. Place safety zones inside of the opponents territory. A hula hoop mid-way between the objects and the mid-line where the runner can't get tagged adds a new dynamic.
      2. Increase or decrease the number of objects.
      3. For older children, have two puzzles. The kids must not only get objects, but they must also complete one of the puzzles. This is can be a very good lesson in teamwork and organization.
      Any and every game, simple or complex is only as fun as you make it. If you are excited about the game, get involved and play, the children will model your enthusiasm.

      This game idea if for informational purposes only and should be played with all safety considerations possible. A game is not fun if someone gets hurt.

      Don't forget to visit where fun is found!

      Shop Funny & Hip T-Shirts for All Ages in the Sesame Street Store!Check out fun and warm hats for all ages in the Sesame Street Store!

      Don't forget to protect the kids faces from the Sun this Summer!!!

      Our No-Sting SPF 30+ Facestick provides you with sweat resistant, water resistant high-... [More]
      Price: 7.99

      Sunday, June 2, 2013

      Fox and the hound!

      Fox and the squirrel
      Stuck in the middle

      Recommended number of Participants:
      min 10 - max 25

      Required material:
      2 foam balls of the same color
      1 foam ball of an alternate color. The foam squares work very well for this game 

      This game is a great indoor activity on a rainy day when the children have lots of energy, but you don't have a large area. The children sit in a circle and move the foam balls around, working together and against each other at the same time. A quick paced fun game that only gets better the more time the kids play.

      The objective is to trap the fox between the two hounds. The hounds can roll across the circle and go to where ever they wish. The fox can only be handed to the person on your left or right. If the fox has a hound on either side of him and can't go left or right, then the fox is out for that round.

      • Children sit in a circle
      • The single foam ball or square (the fox) is only allowed to be passed left or right in the circle.
      • The two similar foam balls (the hounds) may be rolled across the ground to anyone in the circle.
      • If the two hounds are end on either side of the fox, the fox is trapped and is out.
      • The game continues until their is only three people left.
      • Those three people get to start the next game with a hound or fox.
      Basic Instructions and things of note:  
      1. This game is good for children between 5 and 12 years of age. It is a fast paced game that requires them to think.
      2. The story sells the game. Start the game by telling the children a story about a mean fox that was not being kind to the forest creatures, so the creatures called upon the hounds to find him and make him leave the forest until he was nice to everyone. *Any variation of the story works that is age appropriate and gets the kid's excited.
      3. Remind the children to roll the hounds, as there is no such thing as a flying dog. This will help keep the game under control and relatively calm.
      4. Start the fox first and allow the children to move him left or right to learn the concept. Introduce the hounds one at a time, so the children can learn the different movements. 
      5. As the children start to learn the movements of the different balls you will see them start to work together to trap the fox.
      6. Make sure that they are not isolating any individual to be out (you don't see this normally in the younger children, however it becomes more common in older kids.)

      This game idea if for informational purposes only and should be played with all safety considerations possible. A game is not fun if someone gets hurt.

      Don't forget to visit where fun is found!
      Football Equipment

      Hunt out your bed - Camo Bedding for Children

      The Green Camouflage Children's Bedding Set by Jojo Designs, along with the Green Camou...
      Price: 99.99

      Saturday, June 1, 2013

      Dry, Dry, Water

      Wet, Wet, Water
      Dry, Dry, Water
      Duck, Duck, Water

      Recommended number of Participants:
      min 5 - max 25

      Required material:
      A large bucket of water /or a near by water source
      A plastic cup (one with a handle makes the game easier for younger ages) or sponge
      An open area, large enough for children to run around.

      This game is a simple, yet effective variation of 'Duck, Duck, Goose' on hot summer days. The children will get wet, make sure you inform them at the start of the game to prevent anyone from getting upset.
      Tiny Totties

      Get wet!

      • Children sit in a circle
      • One child starts the game (see below) by tapping each person's head (softly) stating the word "Wet"
      • The child should finally dump the cup of water on a child's head and say "Water"
      • The wet child must get up, chase the child that dumped the water around the circle.
      • If the child that dumped the water completes a full rotation around the circle before getting tagged and sits in the open space he/she is safe.
      • If the wet child catches and tags the child that dumped the water before a full rotation is complete, the wet child gets to fill up the cup and slowly dump it on the child he/she just caught. Regardless, the child standing gets to be the next dumper.
      • The game continues... until everyone is soaked...

      Basic Instructions and things of note:
      1. Fill large bucket with water and place it in an open area. If the children are younger, you may want to keep the bucket near you, so they don't run up and dump the bucket on themselves.
      2. Have the children make a circle around the bucket. (create a ring for children to run around).
      3. Fill the plastic cup with water from bucket. Again, for younger children a light cup with handle is good. Young children may throw the cup or bump the head of the person they are dumping on. The handle helps them to hold onto the cup and hopefully prevents them from accidentally dropping it. If you are not comfortable using a cup with your group, a sponge also works well.
      4. To start the game, explain the rules (see above), walk around the circle and dump the water on one of the children. To choose a child, tell them to imitate a, ' Duck call' with the most entertaining one getting picked. It is fun to play this up a little to set the mood.
      5. Unlike Duck, Duck, Goose, no one ends in the middle. If a child is caught they get a cup of water, slowly dumped on them. Gauge your group with this, if children don't see this part as fun, have the adult dump the water on the person in the middle.
      6. Re-fill the cup and continue the game.
      1. It is recommended that children wear shoes during this game. Grass gets slick when wet.
      2. Children will learn quickly that if they get caught they will get water dumped on them. If this stops them from trying to get around the circle simply reverse the rule. If you make it back to the seat you get a cup dumped on you.
      3. Set a clear running path around the circle or children may run in strange directions.
      4. If you have children that want to play but don't want to get wet, tell them to place their hands on their head to indicate they don't want to get wet. To encourage children to include these kids allow the person dumping the water to dump it on an adult instead of the child that doesn't want to get wet.

      1. Don't use water - Duck, Duck, Goose
      2. Sit in the middle of the circle with cup of water, call out an animal sound, the child that you splash must make the sound of that animal, then everyone else must imitate that behavior. "Monkey See, Monkey Do". A strategically timed splash of water can make the noises and movements hilarious.
      3. Slow motion - if you are inside, have the children play slow motion style (if they move too fast, they have to turn around in a circle before they can continue) and use confetti instead of water.
      Any and every game, simple or complex is only as fun as you make it. If you are excited about the game, get involved and play, the children will model your enthusiasm. Normally the only compliant you get on a hot summer day from children is they are not wet enough. If you end the game, before everyone is wet, have enough water to dump a cup on each dry child.  Some children may want to dry off and/or change clothes after the game, so be prepared for this.

      Don't forget this game is loud and fun. Set clear expectations of behavior at the beginning of the activity, but let the kids have fun.

      This game idea if for informational purposes only and should be played with all safety considerations possible. A game is not fun if someone gets hurt.

      Don't forget to visit where fun is found!

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